Chew Magna Primary School

See our school in action

We are really proud of our school.

To provide you with a sense of what our school looks like, we have created galleries for Foundation Stage, The Ark - our Key Stage One unit, Buzzard Class and Golden Eagle Class - our Key Stage Two classes and of our buildings and lovely grounds. You can also view some of the lovely activities linked to our Play Project for The Ark.

If you are a prospective parent for Foundation Stage, you will also find two short videos giving you a virtual tour of our Foundation Stage provision.

Prospective parents can book a tour of our school to see it in action. Normally our pupils give the tour, as we believe that you get a real sense of what it is like to be part of Chew Magna Primary by talking with and asking questions of the pupils. 

You can download a copy of our school prospectus here.

Here is our virtual tour of the school - we are really proud of it as we feel it gives you a flavour of a day in the life of our school. Below you can also view images and two short videos from our EYFS setting.


