Our School
Chew Magna is a fully maintained primary school serving the beautiful village of Chew Magna and the surrounding area.
There has been a school here for the past three centuries and the present buildings have been in use for over 100 years. During this time, various modernisations have taken place and recent improvements ensure that the school is able to deliver a modern and forward-looking curriculum in pleasant surroundings.
Our school will provide a broad range of opportunities for everyone to flourish within a community that is happy, vibrant and inspiring.
We aim for all children to be:
- To know themselves and be aware of their own spiritual and emotional needs
- To build relationships through positive communication
- Enjoy high quality purposeful teaching within an exciting curriculum
- Understand the strategies that help them learn independently and effectively
- Live responsibly
- Respect the rights and needs of others to have differing values and beliefs
- Make consistent progress each year and celebrate achievements
- Think creatively when facing challenges
Our Golden Rules
Children are encouraged and expected to live and work together safely and happily. To support this aim, the school has a strong ethos for developing positive behaviour.
- Do be kind and gentle
- Do be helpful
- Do try your best
- Do listen to people
- Do be honest
- Do respect people and property