Chew Magna Primary School

Secondary Transition

The majority of our pupils transfer to the local outstanding Chew Valley School for their secondary education.  Most pupils at the school come from the Chew Valley.

In order to prepare children for the move to secondary school, the feeder primary schools, of which Chew Magna Primary is one, work closely with the Chew Valley School team to ensure that the children are already familiar with the school.

From Foundation Stage, the children take part in a number of sporting and performing arts events held at Chew Valley School and attended by its feeder primary schools.

This allows the children to mix with Chew Valley students and children from other primary schools in competitive sporting and arts events such as:

  • Football & netball cluster tournaments
  • Gym Festival
  • Tag Tail Rugby Tournament
  • Multi-sports Festival
  • Striking & Fielding


Year Six Induction

The Year 6 leavers are visited by the Chew Valley School induction team during the Summer term.  They talk to both the class teacher and to the children about moving to secondary school so that any individual issues or fears can be addressed.

A Move-Up Day is held at Chew Valley School each July when Year 6 leavers meet their new form teacher and classmates.  For pupils with Special Educational Needs, there is additional induction support available.

