Chew Magna Primary School

SparrowHawk Class (Y1/2) 


Welcome to Sparrowhawk Class. We have 30 children in our class in Year 1 and Year 2.  We share the newest classroom accommodation in the school, called The Ark, with Kestrel Class.  Mrs Abbott is our teacher from Monday to Thursday and Miss Burford is our teacher on Friday.  Mrs Treble is our TA.

Please click here for our Class Timetable and here for this term's Class Newsletter.

You can read our Recommended Reading Lists and Key Learning Skills. Find an overview of the Year 1 maths and literacy curriculum here, and the Year 2 maths and literacy curriculum here. You can read all about the Mathletics learning resource here. A booklet about how to support your child's reading at home is available here. Click here for useful ways to support writing at home.

Miss Burford says: "Please remember to bring your wellies and outdoor clothes on Friday mornings!"

 We teach using a topic approach. Below are the topics for Sparrowhawk Class for this year:




 Term One 

 What can you tell me about the Chew Valley?

 Term Two 

 What is the world celebrating now?

 Term Three 

 How will inventions change the world?

 Term Four 

  Where will our imaginations take us?

 Term Five 

 How do we look after ourselves?

 Term Six 

 What do grown-ups do all day?

