Chew Magna Primary School

Golden Eagle Class (Y5/6)


There are 30 children in Golden Eagle Class and we are the oldest pupils in the school in Year 5 and Year 6. Our teachers are Mrs Hutchings and Mrs Crowne and we are helped by our TA, Miss Clarke, who works in the classroom with us.

A guide to our weekly timetable is saved here. You can find Recommended Reading Lists for Year 5 here and for Year 6 here and look at our Key Learning Skills here.  You can also read an overview of the Year 5 maths and literacy curriculum here and for Year 6 here. Click here for useful ways to support writing at home. Find out how to support your child's reading at home here. Read about our new maths learning resource here - Mathletics: A Parent's Guide

Please read this term's newsletter here and also a guide to spellings.

We teach the curriculum through a topic based approach. Here is Golden Eagle`s topic overview for this year: 




Term One

How have significant people changed our world?

Term Two

Could you survive a tsunami?

Term Three

What did the Romans ever do for us?

Term Four

What is brilliant about Bristol ?

Term Five

How has electricity shaped our lives?


Term Six

 How does design enhance our world?
