What Ofsted says about our school...
We were inspected on 12th and 13th September 2023 were judged once again as a good school.
“Pupils enjoy attending Chew Magna Primary School. There is a culture of support and kindness.”
“Pupils of all ages play well together. They show care and consideration towards each other. As a result playtimes and lunchtimes are enjoyable for all.”
“Pupils engage well with their learning. They have positive attitudes towards learning”
“Pupils feel safe at school. They know there are trusted adults who will help them if they have concerns.”
“The school has designed an ambitious curriculum.”
“The school has implemented an effective phonics programme. Pupils become fluent readers.”
“Pupils enjoy a wide range of trips, visits and visitors. They enjoy taking part in sports tournaments with other local schools.”
“In Early Years, learning is meaningful and supports children to build on what they already know.”
“Pupils can explain how the curriculum supports their wider development. They understand the importance of equality.”