Chew Magna Primary School

Remote Learning

Please click here for our Remote learning Policy

We had a contingency plan in place throughout the Coronavirus pandemic to provide remote learning to pupils whilst there was limited opening of our school. This  was reviewed regularly in light the most current government guidelines. See scenarios 1 and 2 below.

We also have a remote learning scenario in place in case of school closure relating to flooding. See scenario 3 below.

Scenario 1: In the event of a confirmed case in school in which child is sent home and required to self- isolate for 7 days :

Teachers of self –isolating pupil to provide remote learning which sequences learning to build skills incrementally, provide clear explanations for new content whilst continuing to teach rest of class in school


SLT to provide time for the class teacher to plan for this child

If the child is well enough to engage with remote learning:

Teachers to ensure provision for self- isolating child with 3 hours` worth of activities per day for KS1 children/4 hours` worth of activities per day for KS2 children from:


Oak National Academy online video lessons to support learning

BBC BiteSize resources to support learning across the curriculum

Mathletics to support Maths number skills for Y1-6 in addition to

Daily White Rose Maths lesson

TT Rockstars Y2-6

Phonics Play for EYFS and KS1

Oxford Owls to support reading

Education City learning resources to support Literacy and Maths

Twinkl resources to support learning across the curriculum

SCARF for PSHE/wellbeing

Go Noodle/SuperMovers/Cosmic Yoga

Pobble 365 writing activities

Literacy Shed/Literacy Tree

Nessy for SEN pupils

Classroom Secrets/Maths Shed

EYFS: Expectations of provision for EYFS pupils would focus on Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development. Teachers would meet with pupils using zoom to engage with them and support play based learning. This could take the form of individual zoom meetings or group zoom. Phonics and Maths would be offered daily.


Scenario 2: In the event of a local outbreak/national lockdown and whole school closes whilst remaining open for essential worker and vulnerable children:

To ensure all families have access to a laptop for remote learning


School to loan a netbook/laptop any families who limited access to technology for the duration of the closure/lockdown. Provide an agreement for use.


Teachers to

sequence learning to build skills incrementally

provide clear explanations for new content

School to provide an exercise book in which to record home learning including a list of log in details for online learning platforms. We will also provide a whiteboard and pen for pupils.


KS1 class teachers to plan 3 hours` worth of activities per day/ 4 hours` worth of activities per day for KS2 to meet the needs of the pupils in their class including SEND/disadvantaged pupils:

White Rose Maths lesson

English activity (phonics/reading comprehension/writing/SPAG)

Wider curriculum task ensuring breadth of coverage cross the week


KS2 class teachers to provide 4 hours` worth of activities per day to meet the needs of the pupils in their class including SEND/disadvantaged pupils:

White Rose Maths lesson

English activity (phonics/reading comprehension/writing/SPAG)

Wider curriculum task ensuring breadth of coverage cross the week

Plus extension activities/ reading/ exercise/ creative challenges/ growth mindset activities


Use of Class Dojo as vehicle for delivery and for pupils to upload and share work and for teachers to provide constructive feedback


Resources to support remote learning:
Mathletics to support Maths number skills in addition to WRM

TT Rockstars Y2-6

Oxford owls

Phonics Play for EYFS and KS1/Y3 where appropriate

Read, Write Inc resources

Education City learning resources to support Literacy

BBC BiteSize resources to support learning across the curriculum

Twinkl resources to support learning across the curriculum

SCARF for PSHE/wellbeing

SNIP resources and Phonics Play for dyslexic pupils/other supplementary resources to support additional needs

Go Noodle/SuperMovers/Cosmic Yoga/Joe Wicks

Literacy Tree/Literacy Shed

Pobble 365 for Literacy

Nessy for SEN pupils


 KS1 staff recording themselves reading stories to be shared with classes


The Head will monitor engagement of pupils learning and support teachers/liaise with families where needed.

Use of pre-recorded teaching sequences to support learning

Teachers to use externally produced pre -recorded sequences by expert teachers to support learning:


Use of Oak National Academy online video lessons to support learning where it fits in with teaching sequences

Literacy Tree pre-recorded video learning sequences


Use of live sessions to support learning

Program of live zoom sessions planned in each class depending on numbers of critical worker children in school/staffing ratios/teaching commitments

  • Sessions between 15-40 minutes depending on the age of the pupils involved
  • Size of the group depends on subject being covered/age of pupils
  • Opportunities for key worker children to join their cohort with live learning where staffing levels in school allow
  • When teachers are working from home to deliver live targeted group work and cohort sessions on a timetable across the week and one whole class check in a week


Teachers to facilitate time for the children to interact with each other

If closed for longer than two weeks:

Zoom Show and Tell opportunities for KS1

Opportunities for children to plan and deliver mini presentations to the class via online platform

Catch Up sessions with year groups

Intervention groups

Education City Live game playing for Maths


Teachers to ask children to send in and share learning

Teachers to use questioning to  adjust pace/difficulty depending on feedback

Pupils expected to submit/share work with teachers, respond to questions so teachers can assess levels of understanding

Live review ‘drop in’ sessions for feedback/support

Adjust activities where needed in response to work

Teachers to engage with parents/ families 


Parents encouraged to provide feedback on how their child is engaging with home learning/any issues they need support with

Zoom check in with the class 1x week
Teachers check in with children/families via Zoom meetings, Class Dojo and phone calls. If they are concerned about the engagement in learning of a certain pupil, teachers will discuss with parents any extra support that may be needed.


School expectations of families during this period

To set a clear routine for home learning with their child

To engage with the remote learning and support their child with this

To inform the teacher if their child is too unwell to participate in remote learning

To feedback to staff how their child is engaging with home learning/any issues they need support with

To follow the zoom agreement terms for live online sessions

To read the communications that come out from school and ensure they are aware of the current situation


Scenario 3: In the event of school evacuation or closure due to flooding. All children sent home.


 a)    If school is evacuated during the school day before lunchtime, teaching staff need to get home safely before sending out remote learning for the afternoon`s learning via Class  Dojo.

 b)    If evacuation happens during the afternoon during a school day, staff do not send remote learning for the rest of the day.

 c)    If school is unable to open due to a flood warning being issued overnight/early morning, teachers to send out remote learning by 8.00am via Class Dojo to enable families to prepare ahead of the school day.


Teachers to provide remote learning which consolidates learning and provides  opportunities to extend understanding and knowledge


*Teachers to explain that this is optional depending on the circumstances for the families


In Scenario 3a:

Teachers to provide


Research/open ended activity linked to topic work

Core curriculum activity

Or activity to continue that day`s learning


In Scenario 3c:

Teachers to ensure provision of 3 hours` worth of activities per day for KS1 children/4 hours` worth of activities per day for KS2 children from:


Maths activity

English activity (phonics/reading comprehension/writing/SPAG)

+ Wider curriculum task(s)


Resources to support remote learning:

Oak National Academy online video lessons to support learning

BBC BiteSize resources to support learning across the curriculum

Mathletics to support Maths number skills for Y1-6 in addition to

TT Rockstars Y2-6

Phonics Play or Phonics Shed for EYFS and KS1

Oxford Owls to support reading

Twinkl resources to support learning across the curriculum

SCARF for PSHE/wellbeing

Pobble 365 writing activities

Literacy Shed/Literacy Tree

Nessy for SEN pupils

Classroom Secrets/Maths Shed
